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Tour Code:   S122

JUNE 6,1944. D-DAY.


The morning of 6th June 1944 heralded the largest seaborne assault in human history: this was D-Day for Operation NEPTUNE, and the Allies' return to mainland Europe - Operation OVERLORD. Amphibious landings on the five Normandy beaches - Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword - have become legendary as part of the final push to end the Second World War




Join Alex Churchill for a full exploration of the D-Day landings with visits to all five beaches. We'll go beyond the front-line troops and pay tribute to the navy men, support troops and civilians who made the largest seaborne invasion in history a reality. 



Our itinerary then moves inland to follow the battle for Normandy; from initial attempts to break out of the beachheads, to the final strangling of German resistance in the closing of the Falaise Gap. 


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Photo Credits: Alex Churchill

"We landed in about 3 feet of water and immediately there was a cascade of mortars, shells, small arms fire."

Lieut. Reginald Rutherford. 10 Platoon, B Company, 2 East Yorks.



Activity Level - Standard

1st - 6th July 2025

Pricing: £1720pp

£540 single supplement,

(or we'll buddy you up)


A £200 deposit is payable to secure your place, balances will be due on 31st March 2024.


Tour Code: S122


PORTSMOUTH - optional visit to LCT 7074 - PEGASUS BRIDGE - Glider heroism - SWORD - Commandos and the Free French - JUNO - Canada and D-Day - GOLD - Walking in the footsteps of the Northumbrian division - OMAHA - Learn about the true events that inspired Saving Private Ryan - UTAH - Easy Company and Band of Brothers - SAINT-LO The local cost of NEPTUNE and OVERLORD - THE RESISTANCE - French agency during the invasion - THE FALAISE GAP - Polish triumph and German catastrophe - NORMANDY MEMORIAL - Time for reflection at the stunning new CWGC tribute

"It was a hell of a feeling to be by myself in the middle of a foreign land surrounded by enemy soldiers. I had been by myself for two hours and had not seen another paratrooper; nor had I heard the sound of an American rifle. I as beginning to think they had cancelled the entire invasion and I was the only American down there... It was a pretty lonesome feeling." Behind Utah Beach.

WHAT KIND OF TOUR... ? This is a standard tour - there's no fitness required, but don't worry: we'll keep you busy. We cover a wide area, and you'll see where the men fought and how they made progress up off the beach, and into the Normandy countryside. We've also built in opportunities to spend time in Ouistreham.

ACCOMMODATION IS...? We're spoiling you with this one. We'll be staying on the beachfront at Ouistreham in a 4-star hotel and spa.

HOW MUCH WALKING... ? As always with Istoria, we're keen to help you 'follow in the footsteps' as much as possible. That said, if you are less mobile you won't be missing out on this one.

WHAT'S INCLUDED... ? Your Portsmouth to Caen return crossing (we promise it's more comfortable than a landing craft). All of your coach travel is included of course, as are your four-star, beachfront hotel and continental breakfasts. From experience, guests tell us they appreciate having more choice when it comes to lunches and evening meals, so they're not included. All entries to museums and sites of interest are included. 

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